Monday, July 16, 2012


No pictures, as of yet, but I recently stumbled across the PERFECT fabric for my Idris costume in the red tag section of my local JoAnn's, as well as some fabric for my River costume (though I'll need to dye that...).

I had been previously looking at an online source for the Idris fabric, which sold the actual fabric used for the episode of Doctor Who, "The Doctor's Wife," but they were selling it for $150 a yard! I'm a poor college student. $150 is absolutely not in my budget. I thought I'd never find another resource, but Lady Luck had her eye on me it seems, because not only was the fabric I found in the red tag section, my good friend who works there let me use her 20% employee discount. ^___^ The color of the fabric isn't perfect--it's too dark, and I'll have to figure out how to turn it from brown to blue-ish, but the pattern is spot on, and it was around $3 a yard, so who am I to complain?

In other news, I bought some lovely tea this morning, and a really neat tin to put it in. I'm excited to go home and try some!