I'm definitely getting better at this.
Working on band number three. :)
I am very bad at weaving.
To be fair, the last time I used a real loom I was nine? So I hope I'll eventually improve. A real shuttle might help? tried a plastic one and a cardboard one, but neither are quite the right size/shape to go between the shed easily, and I guess that's pretty important to getting a nice even result.
So loom project is still on-going I guess, but at least I managed to get it all warped properly?
Wish me luck!
Started the next tunic. A little on the long side again, probably going to do the split front thing again, too, but with shorter sleeves this time. Still have to cut out side gores and a neck hole. :)
Current progress took about a half hour, so obviously these are really quick sewing projects. Trimming it will be what takes it from a fast project to an average speed one.
...I hate trimming. But it's still preferable to hemming, because at least with trim you sort of get a two-for-one deal: nice finished edges, and some decoration. ^__^
We're going to try to build an inkle loom tonight...
Will post progress photos, probably!
The tunic is finished! and a bonus pic of my sweet kitty being super helpful and assessing the linen for maximum comfort levels.