Thursday, May 19, 2016

Yet Another Tunic WiP

Started the next tunic. A little on the long side again, probably going to do the split front thing again, too, but with shorter sleeves this time. Still have to cut out side gores and a neck hole. :)

Current progress took about a half hour, so obviously these are really quick sewing projects. Trimming it will be what takes it from a fast project to an average speed one.

...I hate trimming. But it's still preferable to hemming, because at least with trim you sort of get a two-for-one deal: nice finished edges, and some decoration. ^__^


  1. Hard to see the color clearly. Is it sort of sage green?

  2. More of a steel blue/grey. the last one was sage, though!

  3. More of a steel blue/grey. the last one was sage, though!

  4. Got it! Looks good. Should be fun to come up with trim to compliment the color.
