Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 26, 2012

So, more progress on my Idris costume to share. :) Skirt and bodice are all sewn, now, except for putting in zippers. Still have to make sleeves and the bit of sheer stuff at the neckline. I have the bows all put together, too.

Here's a picture of it with the petticoat underneath. :)

Obviously, some work still needs to go into changing (lightening) the color of the bodice, but so far so good... ^___^

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Finally making some progress on my Idris costume...and I wish I was happy about it, but my back aches from hunching over, pleating yards and yards of fabric for trim. BLECH.'s starting to actually look like a costume, and not just a pile of fabric, so that's good. :)