Saturday, May 28, 2016

Wine and Weaving

I'm definitely getting better at this.

Working on band number three. :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

First Inkle Weaving

As modeled by the charming Azathoth. :)

Loom Project II


I am very bad at weaving.

To be fair, the last time I used a real loom I was nine? So I hope I'll eventually improve. A real shuttle might help? tried a plastic one and a cardboard one, but neither are quite the right size/shape to go between the shed easily, and I guess that's pretty important to getting a nice even result.

So loom project is still on-going I guess, but at least I managed to get it all warped properly?

Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cats + Sewing

They love to help...

Yet Another Tunic WiP

Started the next tunic. A little on the long side again, probably going to do the split front thing again, too, but with shorter sleeves this time. Still have to cut out side gores and a neck hole. :)

Current progress took about a half hour, so obviously these are really quick sewing projects. Trimming it will be what takes it from a fast project to an average speed one.

...I hate trimming. But it's still preferable to hemming, because at least with trim you sort of get a two-for-one deal: nice finished edges, and some decoration. ^__^

Monday, May 16, 2016

Inkle Loom WiP

It's a start!

So this is the base stuff, pre-sanding. Next:

Putting the pegs in!


Almost done, and corners all nicely beveled. Just a few last things to do, including seal it, but we'll have to do that part tomorrow. :}

WOO! Gonna make my own trims!

Loom Project

We're going to try to build an inkle loom tonight...

Will post progress photos, probably!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Long Tunic

The tunic is finished! and a bonus pic of my sweet kitty being super helpful and assessing the linen for maximum comfort levels.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Another Tunic Post

Finished (except for the neck hole, which I'm gonna trim!) one tunic, got another all cut out.

I've had a glass and a half of wine, so hopefully I cut the edges straight. XD

It's gonna be a longer one, should reach just below his knees, and slit up the front for mobility (and some *gasp* scandalous glimpses of his legs!) and I haven't decided yet how closely I want to tailor the sleeves. Might leave them a little loose so an undershirt can peek at the wrists. I'm contemplating a V-neckline, but have to do a bit more research. I saw someone else's that I liked, though, that had one, so that's what I'm leaning towards.

Unfortunately, because I made the tunic long, there isn't enough of the linen left to make pants out of. I'll think of something for the scraps, but I'm still a bit bummed.

Will post photos eventually. ^__^